Skin Cancer Treatment

Treatment to remove and treat sun damaged skin and skin cancers with excellent cosmetic results.

Clear skin cancers and treat sun damage with excellent cosmetic results our specialists can help with three notable treatment options: Interferon Injections, Photodynamic Therapy (PDT), and Topical Therapy.

Australia leads the world in the rate of sun damaged skin and skin cancers. The high level of skin damage in Australia is largely brought about by our love of the outdoor life in combination with the hole in the protective ozone layer that allows more of the damaging UV rays to reach us. By actively having your skin checked and treated for skin cancer you could catch the cancer before it spreads and develops into more serious stages. We encourage those people who have noticed new ‘sun spots’ or moles appearing on their skin to seek an aesthetically pleasing solution to remove these unwanted spots.


Non-scarring treatments help to provide an aesthetically pleasing solution.

Better cosmetic outcomes than alternative destructive methods of cutting, burning, and freezing.

Treatment guide

Interferon Injections

Recent immunological advances allow us to treat BCC’s with a course of injections given directly into the BCC. This recruits the body’s own immune system to kill off the cancer cells while leaving your normal cells intact. The treatment has a high success rate and since it attacks the cancer cells specifically, the treatment is non-scarring and results in an excellent cosmetic outcome. The injections are given over three weeks and are administered using a very small, fine needle so the treatment is able to be more comfortable.

Photodynamic Therapy (PDT)

PDT involves the application of a special solution to the area or lesions to be treated. This is followed a few hours later by the gentle application of a special laser light. The solution, which is absorbed by the cancer cells, is activated by the laser light resulting in the selective destruction of the cancer and pre-cancer cells while leaving the normal cells intact. This results in these lesions clearing without leaving any marks or scars. BCC, SCC, and AK’s can be treated this way with a high success rate. Generally 3-4 treatments one month apart is required.

Topical Therapy

The development of newer anti-cancer creams for the treatment of skin cancers and pre-cancers (‘sunspots’) that target and destroy the cancer cells will not damage normal tissue, resulting in excellent cosmetic results. BCC, SCC, and AK’s can be treated this way. The treatment involves the application of the creams for several weeks until cleared.

Pricing guide

Consultation required. Pricing will depend on the treatment plan.


The two most common skin cancers, called the BCC (Basal Cell Carcinoma) and the SCC (Squamous Cell Carcinoma), as well as the pre-cancerous sunspots (Actinic Keratoses, or AK’s) can now be treated more simply and effectively and with better cosmetic outcomes than the alternative destructive methods of cutting, burning, and freezing. Treatment options include: Interferon Injections, Photodynamic Therapy (PDT), Topical Therapy.


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Contact the team at GMC to talk about how we can help with this treatment or recommendations for your unique goals.

Award-winning InMode clinic Dr George Calfas: InMode Physician of the Year - Aesthetics | InMode Best Case Study - Morpheus8
Award-winning InMode clinic Dr George Calfas: InMode Physician of the Year - Aesthetics | InMode Best Case Study - Morpheus8
Award-winning InMode clinic Dr George Calfas: InMode Physician of the Year - Aesthetics | InMode Best Case Study - Morpheus8

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