Thread Lift

A thread lift is a non-surgical facelift performed under local anaesthetic during a 30-60 minute in-clinic procedure without cutting or stitching. Dissolvable threads lift and tighten targeted areas, restoring youthful contours. Enjoy a smoother, more defined appearance with no tell-tale scars and minimal recovery time.

Looking for a facelift alternative without the surgery? GMC Cosmedical's Thread Lift in Australia offers a safe and effective solution. This in-clinic procedure, performed under local anaesthetic, uses dissolvable threads to lift and tighten targeted areas, restoring youthful contours in just 30-60 minutes. Enjoy a smoother, more defined appearance with minimal recovery time and no surgical scars.

Thread lifts are the latest development in the push towards non-invasive procedures to lift facial sagging that develops as a result of the loss of tissue support through ageing and sun damage.

The only marks visible on the skin at the end of the procedure are the needle puncture marks and these disappear over the next few days, leaving behind no sign of the procedure. Over time the body’s natural response forms an envelope of fibrous tissue around the threads and as this fibrous tissue firms up and contracts, it further improves the lift.

Ideally, the thread facelift is for people in the 30 to 60 age groups with mild to moderate amounts of sagging who want some rejuvenation of the face and don’t want to undergo surgery. The technique has also been used successfully in some patients in their seventies. A consultation is required to assess your suitability and the best approach to your particular problem.

It is common now to do thread lifting on patients who have had a surgical lift in the past and now require some further lifting but are reluctant to undergo another operation.


A Thread Lift offers a number of compelling benefits for those seeking a more youthful appearance without invasive surgery. Key advantages include:  

Targeted Lifting

It effectively elevates specific areas such as the eyebrows, mid-face (for fuller cheeks), lower face (reducing jowls), and the neck.  

Minimally Invasive

Compared to traditional surgical facelifts, a thread lift involves significantly less pain and a much shorter recovery period.
The procedure itself is quick, typically taking only 30-60 minutes, as opposed to the 3-4 hours required for surgical facelifts.

Reduced Risk

Because it doesn't involve large incisions, there's no visible scarring or marking on the face.
This eliminates the risk of complications like keloids and abnormal healing.

Quick recovery

Because it is minimally invasive, the down time is very minimal.  

In essence, a Thread Lift provides a less invasive and more convenient option for achieving a lifted and rejuvenated facial appearance.

Treatment guide

The procedure is carried out in the doctor’s rooms under local anaesthesia and often some sedation is given. If so then the patients cannot drive themselves home afterwards. The procedure takes 60 – 90 minutes to perform depending on how many areas need to be treated.

The threads are placed under the skin surface in a supporting sling fashion through a long hollow needle under local anaesthetic. Firstly the skin and tissues are elevated and positioned where they belong and when the positioning is precise, the needle is inserted under the skin. The thread is passed through the needle which is then removed, leaving behind the thread that now anchors the tissues in their new position.

All these threads are made from biocompatible dissolving suture material that has been in use for many decades so safety is assured. There is no risk of reaction, allergy, or rejection by the body. The sutures have numerous tiny notches cut along their length and these act as tiny anchors so that when inserted under the skin they anchor it along the length of suture threads where they are placed.

Pricing guide

The total package for a standard Thread lift is usually $2990 and includes the procedure, Penthrox sedation if required and

- x2 LED Therapy healing sessions

- Review appointments

- 24/7 support and care of your practitioner

However, the cost will depend on the extent of lifting required and how many areas of the face need to be treated.


The threads remain permanently in place and so will continue to lift. Unfortunately, the ageing process continues and so over time, new sagging will develop. This is true with traditional surgical face lifting as well. When required, further lifting can be carried out in the future by the insertion of new threads and once the new ones are added, the old ones do not need to be removed.

What’s recovery like?

There will be some swelling which settles over 3-5 days. There may be some bruising much of which can be covered with make-up. The needle entry marks are only needlepoint in size and disappear in 2-3 days. Some soreness or pain may be experienced for 3-4 days and if necessary, can be controlled with simple pain relievers. Most patients are able to return to work after a week. This is the fastest and easiest and safest of all the face-lifting techniques currently available. There are none of the risks of general anaesthesia as it is carried out with local anaesthetic. There is no cutting or invasion and there is no risk of damage to the very important facial nerve, which can happen during surgical face lifting.


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Award-winning InMode clinic Dr George Calfas: InMode Physician of the Year - Aesthetics | InMode Best Case Study - Morpheus8
Award-winning InMode clinic Dr George Calfas: InMode Physician of the Year - Aesthetics | InMode Best Case Study - Morpheus8
Award-winning InMode clinic Dr George Calfas: InMode Physician of the Year - Aesthetics | InMode Best Case Study - Morpheus8

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