Toe Straightening
A toe straightening procedure is ideal for toes that are misshapen from birth, or trauma, or toes that have become progressively deformed over time. Toes can be clawed like in a hammertoe deformity or they can rotate at one or more of the joints. They can be painful and rub in footwear as well as be cosmetically unappealing.
Who would be appropriate for this procedure?
Anyone who has distorted toes can be appropriate for this procedure. These can be seen as a hammertoes deformity, or a curly or retracted and elevated toe. It is a day surgery procedure performed under local anaesthesia with or without sedation.
Improved comfort - as the toes may be rubbing in footwear.
Improved appearance of the toes.
Treatment guide
Toe straightening generally involves removal of part of one or more of the toe bones with wedging as appropriate to realign, and placing of pins or screws to hold the bone in the corrected position. Usually the tendons around the joint need to be lengthened and rebalanced to allow the deformity to reduce and prevent recurrence.
Pricing guide
Consultation required.
Pricing starts from $1800*
Pricing will depend on the procedure, and what is required.
How long is the recovery time?
Recovery time depends on the procedure performed. If no fixation is required and it is only the toe you may be able to start returning to footwear and activity in as little as two weeks. If a pin has been put in it may be 4-6 weeks before you can start returning to normal footwear. It is important to rest the foot whilst the bones are consolidating.
Is this a painful procedure?
Pain levels vary but generally this is well tolerated and people will usually take painkillers for up to three days after. It is important you rest and keep the foot elevated during the recovery process.
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